Saturday, December 25, 2010

Algernon celebrating Christmas!

We received some pigtures of Algernon at his current whereabouts...
Anyone know where he is?
Algernon about to go to a job, being careful to take his hard hat!
Algernon helping his hostess at work answering the phones
Algernon exploring at work!
Algernon enjoying Christmas at Garnay Industries!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Algernon visits (under)water Blijdorp...

As slave mentioned before Algernon Rat visited the Blijdorp Zoo in Rotterdam the Netherlands. 
At the entrance there were these big wire and plantmatter Giraffes.
Algernon posed in front of them, can you see him sitting at bottom in the plants?
First thing he visited was the Oceanium of Blijdorp. 
Here Algernon poses with some birds that we think live at the Dutch coast.
There was also a shark in the Oceanium. This Shark was kind enough to keep his mouth open while Algernon posed sitting in his beak!!
Did you know that? Sharks have rows of teeth, new teeth are constantly added while old teeth fall out. A tooth will be replaced by a new one, every 8-15 days!
Sharks also have Scales, to be precise Placoid scales, also known as dermal denticles (= 'small tooth'). Studies have found that the scales create tiny vortices that reduce drag, which makes swimming more efficient, as well as quieter compared to bony fishes (source: Wikipedia). A shark will loose up to 20.000 scales a year as it grows, they will be replaced by new (bigger) ones as the shark grows.
Here you can see an actual shark that was lying on top of the Shark tunnel.
We also saw little Nemo, the clownfish hiding... Algernon is on the left
There was also this really big whale, it was not a real one, as it was used by kids to play in (see the kid in white on the right?). Algernon is sitting near the whales eye, near the 'Teeth'. These teeth are actually called Baleen, used to strain seawater for plankton, krill and small fishes.
There was also an Orca, that Algernon wanted us to show you. Algernon is sitting on the Orca's fin.
Algernon also got into the Shark cage, used by people to get close to sharks, but stay safe. Sharks are not that dangerous by the way, of the 375 types of shark only 5-7 types will attack humans. It is said that the chance of getting struck by lightning in the US is 5 times bigger, than to be attacked by a shark.
Slave looooves Mantuas, that are so graceful and as you can see below, that have real smily looking faces...
Algernon took a dive with a turtle in the background
And a big resting fish. Unfortunately slave did not write down what kind of fish is was... Like piggies is also seems to rest on its side :D
Algernon then moved on to a different part of the Oceanium, Here there were Crocodiles, the crocodile in the second pigture below with Algernon are very old! Slave vaguely remembers about reading that then had been in the zoo since after the second world war (1945). She should have written this post earlier! But we guarantee you they were old! Ah, thank god for the Blijdorp website, it says the 2 slender-snouted crocodiles have been there, since 1930 and survived the bombing of Rotterdam.

Back underwater we saw these little Starfish, and he had to have his pigture taken with them...
On the way out of the Oceanium, Algernon saw some huge turtles and this Komodo Dragon. He has a question for us:
How does a (Komodo) dragon kill it's prey?
A. With his sharp claws and teeth
B. They bite their prey, and then wait, it will eventually die of the bacteria in his saliva.
C. with his venom, released when he bites his prey.
The last pigture is one of a Polar bear and two cubs. These are just statues, but the real one, was impressive! Unfortunately we could not get a good pigture of it, as it was behind glass.

Well I hope you enjoyed the post, we really like Blijdorp as a Zoo, and it's close to our home. We have heard however that Subsidy from the rotterdam municipality will be stopped in the near future, which wil very likely mean the end of Blijdorp :(
There is a petition online to keep Blijdorp open: Unfortunately it's in Dutch, it asks for your name, town/city and email adres...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Algernon visits Blijdorp, the Rotterdam Zoo

HI all,

we want you to know Algernon is still around, but we have to admit our Slave was lazy, and she still hasn't written an update on his last visit to the Zoo in the Netherlands!

Slave made some nice videos we want to share with you,
in the mean time we will urge her to write the other post...

By now Algernon has long left the Netherlands, and we have heard he has arrived safely after a long postal yourney!!! Can you guess where he went?
We'll think of some hints, to post in the next message slave sends!

Algernon swims with the fishies

Algernon and the Elephant

This elephant must loooove living at Blijdorp, Rotterdam zoo!
He looked very happy at least, it must have been nice to cool down and have a lie down on such a hot day!

We will make sure our slave writes her long overdue report soon!
Current female hosts to Algernon, is he doing okay? ;)

the Guinygirlz: Woopy, Lily Daisy
and Agent Valentino

Friday, August 20, 2010

Algernon goes to a festival

Hi All,

It's me Igor. I forgot to post this; a while ago me, Yaya, Chico and Woopy went to Flappiepop in Mickey and Jimmy's house.
Igor and Mickey @ Flappiepop
Algernon was staying with us at the time, but he disappeared for quite a while and we were wondering were he went so I did a little crowdsourcing on twitter, Facebook etc. and several online friends sent me pictures of him at Pinkpop, a Dutch festival located near Flappiepop (see here for the line-up).
Algernon with the Pinkpop logo ('pop' is dutch for doll)
Algernon on the phone?... Who is he calling? Maybe miss Wilma? Or pigs for a future destination?
Algernon dancing during the Skunk Anansie performance
What is Algernon doing with beer? Maybe they served carrot beer..
Apparantly they served an excellent cheese fondue at Pinkpop, Algernon was seen eating this on more than one occasion.
Algernon dancing to the music of the Prodigy
Algernon crowdsurfing! Teeheee.. that rat sure is full of surprises!

Seriously.. that rat never stops to amaze me.


Friday, August 13, 2010

Algernon's city trip to The Hague (2/2)

Algernon's trip continued to the Binnenhof, where the Dutch parliament has it's seat. On his way to the Binnenhof, he had his picture taken in front of the Statue of King William the Second. This William II was the son of William the first or William of Orange who became king after the napoleontic wars. He was depicted on the monument that was at the end of our previous post.

Algernon also took a picture in front of the Gevangenpoort, which is now a museum. Suus and Dunya also had their pigture taken there!

Outside the Binnenhof (inner court), which is called Buitenhof (outer court) is the nice big Hofvijver (Court pond). Algernon liked the view, so you can see him in the picture below. In the back you can see two modern buildings which are always depicted at drawings of the current skyline of The Hague.

As you might remember Suus and Dunya also visited the Hofvijver and the Binnenhof. On the pigture below you can see Dunya sitting in the Flowers, with part of the Hofvijver and in the distance the statue of William II.

He then entered the Binnenhof, this is where the Dutch government works!

Like we said Suus and Dunya also visited the Binnenhof, here a little reminder.

And cause Algernon wanted to follow in the footsteps of Suus and Dunya he insisted on having his picture taken at one of the Binnenhof gates.

WE are not too sure that this is the same gate as where Suus and Dunya had their pigture taken.

Also this little tower is quite important. This is where our prime Minister has his office. Our current prime minister is still Mr. Balkenende, but once they get the new government ready it will very likely be someone from another party, named Mr. Rutte. He is a single man, doesn't this look like a nice place to invite and impress a lady?
We had very interesting results of our elections on 9 June 2010. Apparently all the human voters were so divided that it will be very hard to form a new government. It will probably consist out of 4 or more political parties...

Then we were surprised to find some nice sandsculptures. Many famous paintings were depicted in sand, but algernon liked this one best. It's an M.C. Escher, depicting an impossible waterfall, or an optical illusion of a waterfall. Because the picture does not show the illusion too well, have a look here.

If you want to see or read more about Escher have a look here. Check the downloads and click on the Waterfall, so see how the building would look in reality!
After this long day, Algernon took the tram home...

On his way home in the tram he passed the Zuiderpark (Southern park), which is a nice park where the biggest free popfestival of Europe is held every year: Parkpop. You might have heard of it, as this year our mayor, police and public prosecutor, denied Snoop Dogg entrance to the festival...

In the Zuiderpark, Algernon found tracks, that lead us to a small station!

There was also an actual old Locomotive on the train site.. (By the way, Algernon is in this picture!)

And on these miniature trains, you can actually take a ride...

Well this was The Hague, we hope you enjoyed our City.
We'll be back soon!

The Guinygirlz: Woopy, Lily and Daisy
and Valentine Chico