Algernon's trip continued to the Binnenhof, where the Dutch parliament has it's seat. On his way to the Binnenhof, he had his picture taken in front of the Statue of
King William the Second. This William II was the son of William the first or William of Orange who became king after the napoleontic wars. He was depicted on the monument that was at the end of our previous post.

Algernon also took a picture in front of the Gevangenpoort, which is now a museum. Suus and Dunya also had their pigture taken there!

Outside the Binnenhof (inner court), which is called Buitenhof (outer court) is the nice big Hofvijver (Court pond). Algernon liked the view, so you can see him in the picture below. In the back you can see two modern buildings which are always depicted at drawings of the current skyline of The Hague.

As you might remember Suus and Dunya also visited the Hofvijver and the Binnenhof. On the pigture below you can see Dunya sitting in the Flowers, with part of the Hofvijver and in the distance the statue of William II.

He then entered the Binnenhof, this is where the Dutch government works!

Like we said Suus and Dunya also visited the Binnenhof, here a little reminder.

And cause Algernon wanted to follow in the footsteps of Suus and Dunya he insisted on having his picture taken at one of the Binnenhof gates.

WE are not too sure that this is the same gate as where Suus and Dunya had their pigture taken.

Also this little tower is quite important. This is where our prime Minister has his office. Our current prime minister is still Mr. Balkenende, but once they get the new government ready it will very likely be someone from another party, named Mr. Rutte. He is a single man, doesn't this look like a nice place to invite and impress a lady?
We had very interesting results of our elections on 9 June 2010. Apparently all the human voters were so divided that it will be very hard to form a new government. It will probably consist out of 4 or more political parties...

Then we were surprised to find some nice sandsculptures. Many famous paintings were depicted in sand, but algernon liked this one best. It's an M.C. Escher, depicting an impossible waterfall, or an optical illusion of a waterfall. Because the picture does not show the illusion too well, have a look

If you want to see or read more about Escher have a look
here. Check the downloads and click on the Waterfall, so see how the building would look in reality!
After this long day, Algernon took the tram home...

On his way home in the tram he passed the Zuiderpark (Southern park), which is a nice park where the biggest free popfestival of Europe is held every year:
Parkpop. You might have heard of it, as this year our mayor, police and public prosecutor, denied Snoop Dogg entrance to the festival...

In the Zuiderpark, Algernon found tracks, that lead us to a small station!

There was also an actual old Locomotive on the train site.. (By the way, Algernon is in this picture!)

And on these miniature trains, you can actually take a ride...

Well this was The Hague, we hope you enjoyed our City.
We'll be back soon!
The Guinygirlz: Woopy, Lily and Daisy
and Valentine Chico