Friday, October 7, 2011

AR Visits Sea World Florida and Watches One Ocean

Can you Spot Him?

What About Now?

There He Is!!

Watch the One Ocean Show with AR

WOW How Good Was That


  1. Wow Jenni, thank you for sharing AR's visit to barnacle bill, and Sea world with us!!!
    Loved watching the show with AR

    Mieke, and the guinygirlz: Woopy, Daisy, Lily and my valentine Chico

    p.s. How is Barnacle bill doing?

  2. Oh, AR, you are so precious! Looks like you had a great time with Jenni at Sea World! Love it :)

    Carla and Remy
    <3Snickers, Snowball & Apache in memoriam <3
    Remembering the Rumblestrut Blues, and Beethoven's Band

  3. Love this!! Thanks for sharing, Jenni! :D
